Apex Clinic
Tube Stomach (Gastric Sleeve)
Gastric Sleeve is a very common weight loss surgery. It involves reducing the size of the stomach by removing the larger portion. This surgery makes the patient feel fuller with much less food intake. As sleeve gastrectomy is an irreversible procedure, it is very important to consult reputable clinics and make sure it is the right procedure for your problems. Having gastric sleeve surgery causes you to change your eating and exercise habits.

What is Gastric Sleeve?
Tüp mide ameliyatı, hastaların açlıklarını daha kısa sürede giderebilmeleri için midenin %80’inin çıkarılması işlemidir. Operasyon Laparoskopik olarak yapılır, yani her şey sadece birkaç kesi ile yapılır. Cerrahlar genel anestezi altında tüp mide ameliyatı yaparlar, bu nedenle hasta operasyon sırasında hiçbir şey hissetmez.
Who Is Tube Stomach Suitable For?
With gastric surgery becoming popular, most patients want sleeve gastrectomy surgery rather than explaining their problems to healthcare professionals. It is best to decide with a specialist whether a patient really needs sleeve gastrectomy or whether their problems can be resolved with an alternative treatment. A patient must have a BMI over 30 to be eligible for sleeve gastrectomy surgery. These patients usually have joint problems, cholesterol, pulse irregularities, etc. due to excess weight. additional health problems.
How Do You Prepare Your Body for Tube Stomach?
If you want to have gastric sleeve surgery, there are a few things you can do to prepare your body. It is best to avoid eating fatty and junk food a week before the day of surgery. It is better to add more fluids to your diet for easier digestion and cleansing. If you smoke or drink regularly, take a break about a week before surgery.
Recovery Time and Procedure
There are a few things to remember for an easier and smoother recovery. It may take up to a year to recover completely from weight loss surgery. Don't let this scare you. Recovery involves getting down to a healthy weight and establishing a new lifestyle to maintain it. Patients return to their daily routines just a few days after the operation. It is important to give the body some time to heal because even though it is a laparoscopic surgery, the body still experiences the shock of the surgery. It is expected that the hospital staff will spend the first 2-3 nights in the hospital so that they can always check the patient regularly. When patients are discharged from the hospital, it is recommended that they rest at home for a week or two and then return to work. If their job involves physical labor, they may have to wait a little longer.