Cat Eye

Cat Eye
- Length of Stay in Hospital: 1 Day
- Operation Time: 1 Hour
- Anesthesia: Local
- Recovery Time: 10 Days
Fox Eyes Surgery
Although it has no scientific name, almond eye surgery as described: It is cantoplasty / cantopexy surgery applied to the outer part of the eyelid.
When viewed from the outside in a young eye with a good visual perception, the outer eye edge is 2mm higher than the inner eye edge.
Sometimes due to aging, sometimes due to structural collapses, lateral angulation and rounded eyeball are treated with intervention. The lateral canthal tendon of the eye is either removed with upward sutures (canthopexy) or cut and adapted to its new place above, in order to move the outer eye margins higher and look more attractive. With these applications, the eyes look more horizontal and attractive.
The operation can be performed openly with a 1 cm incision at the lateral intersection of the eye, or it can be performed in combination with lower or upper eyelid blepharoplasty. In addition, almond eyes (other names are fox eyes, bella eyes, cat eyes) can be made with the endoscopic method that has come to the fore recently.