Apex Clinic
Diabetic Bypass
Diabetic Bypass, also known as Metabolic Surgery, is an innovative and life-changing treatment for patients with diabetes. Simply put, it is a stomach surgery that treats the symptoms of diabetes. As Apex Clinic, we have changed and continue to change the lives of many diabetes patients thanks to this treatment.

Diyabetik bypass hastaların yaşam kalitesini önemli ölçüde artırır. Bu operasyonun %95 başarı oranına sahip olduğunu gururla söyleyebiliriz ki bu oldukça olumludur. Cerrahların diyabetik baypas nasıl gerçekleştirdiği ve bundan kimlerin faydalanabileceği ile ilgili makalede daha fazla ayrıntıya gireceğiz. Şeker hastalığınız varsa ve tedavi arıyorsanız bu makaleyi okumaya devam edin.
Who Is Diabetic Bypass Suitable For?
As with all surgeries, there are several boxes to check a patient's eligibility for diabetic bypass:
- Most importantly, the patient must have Type 2 Diabetes. This surgery cannot effectively treat Type 1.
- In order to increase the success of this surgery, the patient's BMI (35 and above) should also be high.
- The patient's insulin levels play a major role in the success of this surgery. Therefore, insulin reserves should be tested before the patient is taken into surgery.
It is very important to consult with bariatric surgeons and confirm your eligibility before undergoing any surgery.
Diabetic Bypass Procedure
The surgeon makes an operation plan after the patient's suitability is proven by blood test. The patient receives anesthesia and then the operation begins. The surgeon makes a new connection between the stomach and the intestines by cutting the necessary incisions for surgery. This allows food to "skip" the stomach and a large part of the intestines. Thanks to this operation, patients can feel fuller by taking less food and the nutrients remain less in the digestive system.
Gastric Bypass and Diabetic Bypass
These two processes are very similar to each other. However, they differ in where the new stomach (pouch) attaches. In a diabetic bypass, the surgeon connects the new stomach to the lower third of the intestine. The part where the connection is made in the intestines is the region that stimulates the pancreas the most. Stimulating this area leads to more insulin production.