Thigh Lift
Thigh Lift
- Length of Stay in Hospital: 1-2 Days
- Operation Time: 1-3 Hours
- Anesthesia: Local or General
- Healing Time: 4-6 Weeks
What is Thigh Lift Surgery?
Due to factors such as age, genetics, excessive weight gain and loss, sagging, size and deformities may occur in the thighs as a result of decreased skin elasticity and an increase or decrease in subcutaneous fat tissue. These deformations, which cause the person to look old and unhealthy, can be corrected with thigh lift surgery. With a thigh lift, the person can have smoother, more taut and younger looking thighs.
Why Do Thighs Sagging?
Processes that cause rapid weight loss such as heavy diets and stomach reduction will cause sagging in the thighs as well as in the whole body. In addition, sagging on the thighs may occur due to environmental and hereditary reasons such as aging and overexposure to sunlight. This situation not only creates an aesthetically pleasing appearance, but also negatively affects the psychology of the person.
Before Surgery
- As in all surgeries, a detailed doctor examination should be done beforehand and all details should be explained to the patient about the surgery.
- In addition, the patient should inform the physician about all the conditions such as the disease he has, the medicine he uses, etc.
- In thigh lift surgery, a 6-hour fasting period is required before the operation, as in preparing for all surgeries that require general anesthesia.
- In order to minimize the risk of bleeding, patients who use blood thinners etc. before the operation should take a break from these drugs under the control of a doctor.