The nose is one of the most prominent features of our face and significantly affects our facial features. Some people may be dissatisfied with their noses and may want to change their nose shape or size. In similar cases nose surgery performed by removing cartilage from the rib, so rhinoplasty comes into play. In this article, nasal surgery by removing cartilage from the rib We will talk about the details and importance.
Nose surgery by removing cartilage from the ribcan be performed for both aesthetic and functional purposes. In aesthetic corrections, the shape or size of the nose is changed as desired, while in functional corrections, it is aimed to open the airway in the nose and to eliminate breathing problems. Cartilage taken from the rib provides an ideal material for corrections on the nose.
The lower rib bone is usually preferred for this surgery. The surgeon makes a small incision to reach the lower rib. Then the required amount of cartilage is removed from the rib. Cartilage taken from the ribs is used to correct areas such as the bridge of the nose or the tip of the nose. The rib bone was chosen because the rib cartilage has similar properties to the cartilage tissue in the nose.
Different techniques can be applied in nose surgery performed by removing cartilage from the ribs. The surgeon selects the most appropriate technique depending on the patient's needs and nose structure. Many different corrections can be made, such as raising or straightening the bridge of the nose, shaping the tip of the nose, widening or narrowing the nose wings. The surgeon makes a detailed pre-operative evaluation and determines the most appropriate method to meet the patient's wishes and expectations.
Nose surgery performed by removing cartilage from the rib It is usually performed under general anesthesia. During surgery, the surgeon makes the incision, accesses the rib and removes the cartilage. He then makes corrections on the nose and the nose is wrapped with a bandage after surgery. Swelling, bruising and mild discomfort are normal in the first few days. It is important to maintain the bandage and sutures as recommended by your surgeon.
The recovery period after surgery may vary from person to person. It usually covers a period of several weeks or months. During the healing process, regular checks should be made and your surgeon's recommendations should be followed. During this period, swelling and bruises are reduced and the shape of the nose becomes clear. Results are usually full within a few months after surgery.
As a result, rhinoplasty performed by removing cartilage from the rib is an effective method for improving the shape and function of the nose. While providing aesthetic and functional corrections, cartilage taken from the rib is used to achieve a natural appearance. However, as with any surgical procedure, this surgery has risks and side effects. Therefore, it is important to consult a specialist plastic surgeon before deciding on surgery.
Last Updated July 12, 2023 Editor Information:[email protected]